Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday on AION :-P

Yup, sure enough, have the ham in the oven cooking away. About to log on and and fiddle around with leveling one of the gals.


  1. Ughh man all this time and still have not gotten online lol, Just a lazy Sunday morning and watching PBS Mysteries lol. I tell ya, somethings will never change with me. I am off now. Have things to do before this afternoon.

  2. OMG! What a ROCKIN' Easter Ham I cooked up! Paula Dean, You got's competition Girl Friend! lol

  3. Nope not today it looks like, to much going on and to much to do. Sucks when RL pops in ROFL

  4. NO! If I told you my "Secret Recipe's" I would have to Keel You so SILENCE! /moon & giggle

  5. Dinner Done. Company is gone, Now, to head to the porch, have a Ciggy Butt, and then hop in on that kitchen and finish up the dishes so I don't have to look at them in the morning. Ughh man, it was TO GOOD! Paula Deen, ty for the inspirations of Dr. Pepper. LOLOLOL Hugz GF!!


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