Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What Is It With...

You see and run across these people everyday, well not every but. They are rude, mean nasty, disrespectful and just plain hateful. The Only thing I have ever concluded is that they are SO miserable in their own skins, they are on a mission to make sure everyone else is in misery to. A cry for help? Has the hate, finally consumed all of who they are and were? Now, I can get a bit Snarkey myself, and have been known to chew a few hiney's off in my day but man! How long can you try and be 'nice and understanding' of a person's ummm how do I say, lack of respect even for themselves? Totally at a loss here, guess my feelings are hurt a bit as I KNOW I have NEVER done anything negative to or towards this person in any way shape or form. Do I cut the ties totaly after telling them to stop it and it's time for them to start 'flying right'? Do I continue the daily abuse? (Sorry it is what it is getting to feel like more and more with each passing day.) I try so very hard to not let people have that power over me. If I let them intrude on my inner peace, well, I guess I have no one but myself to blame.

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