Thursday, April 8, 2010


Man nothing done, I mean it sure does not seem like it. I have not gotten a chance to be online with AION and 'my girls' hardly at all today, just a bit of crafting in the morning over coffee. Keep getting sucked in to Nat. Geo and Science channel this afternoon and it is evening! O-O Glad I made meat loaf last night!going to pop one of those twice backed potatoes I made up out of the freezer into the toaster oven and then warm up a slice of M.L. and some green beans I cooked up and call it Din Din! Hamish is diggin' on his 'Zoopreme' atm. I am SO glad I got him so young and was able to get him eating pellets! He LOVES his freshies to! carrots i would say are his favorites. But, get out of the way when it comes to banana chips and dates! He is the happiest most well behaved bird I have ever seen. Besides him being so loving. He LOVES to crawl up the sleeve of my Snuggie and snooze. lol He is such a character.

Oh man this is to wild! diggin' Known Universe's 'Cosmic Collision'

Later Gaterz I am going to watch this. it is so interesting!

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