Saturday, April 3, 2010

A "Crafty" Weekend

I have been working on getting 'The Girls' caught up in their professions, well, Caridwen and Nhimuai this weekend anyway. Sorting out who is going to focus on what craft and storing all sorted out. Been working around the house, getting out on the porch, enjoying the BEAUTIFUL day we are having here today. (At this moment, I have Cari crafting away on work orders, trying to get her last 8 points to train to Level 2 in Tailoring. There are some sweet sets to be had when you 'crit' on a pattern.)

I think the best thing to do with your crafting (and leveling/intro) beginning in the game, is to take your time with it, gather everything you run across, don't worry about heading to the next area instantly, (only to drop quest's to pick up new ones and be an 'XP Hawg'). This give you the time to level up and gear yourself for the next area and be a level or 2 ahead of the mobs you will be fighting. (Some I have run across on 'The Girls' are flat nasty, and get nastier and use some thought, you just don't go in and face roll on keyboard here lol).

More to come, off to level 'Barn-burner' a wee bit for CJ. Maybe work on Porthoss tonight.

**Shrug** Time will tell lol.

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