Thursday, April 8, 2010

Good Morning World! AION bound today! :-D

YAWN Come on coffee! start working! I have a busy day in the world of AION (Siel server - Caridwen, Cyfaill anyway *giggle*. I played WoW for 5 years and sorry Blizzard, this one has you beat hands down. The game is still young, just released last summer, but I do so hope it has a great following in the future. I love the option to "change channels" from the 'support tab'. It gets to crowded or you just want to solo, change channel and there you and/or your group are, off on your lonesome *giggle*. Well, I am off to rid the 'virtual world of AION of Monsters and Asmos! :-P


  1. Woo hoo lvl 2 in tailoring! Now, back to the grind after a little Nappie Poo *giggle* Couldn't help myself is another overcast day here along the shores of Lake Michigan :-) Ah, I still do so love to get out for a walk on these days. Good day to spot, deer, fox, and many other treasures of The Dunes :-)

  2. Nighty night in the day time :-P Over cast, chilly and just a plain good day for taking a wee nap this afternoon. Hamish is already perched and tucked up taking his. I think I will follow his Que. *giggle*


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