Saturday, April 17, 2010

Priest (38/0/33) - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

Priest (38/0/33) - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

I have to study this a WEE bit more but, I had something like this Way back when did alot of pvp. Going to be studying and maybe running this over the weekend anfter some thought and tweeking. (May have to yack with Auggie for a few :-P) Sigh I miss the "Kids" MommaCy, Cyfaill, Haf

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Come on America! Join Jamie's Food Revolution now! (ESPECIALLY ILLINOIS!) Jamie has a GREAT Vision for his Revolution Army! Hit the link above and sign the petition, read what his 'Revolution is all about, and support our up-coming generation of Americans!

TY Jamie for all you are doing! Have adored your shows for years and TY for having the passion you do!
You NAKED CHEF you *giggle*

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nighterz My Friends

Time for me to call it a day here! Catch you all over coffee in the AM. 


 Be sure and put this on your calendars!

CAST with Chip Coffey on May 6 - details:

Are You Better Then This Bird Trainer?

Are You Better Then This Bird Trainer?

Heavy Metal Toxicity In Parrots

Heavy Metal Toxicity In Parrots

Chet is one of the TOP Trainers in the US (I.M.O.) Please read and take care of our Lil' Guys.

Iraq Star Foundation

Iraq Star Foundation

Don't Forget our Hero's.
A LOT of reputable organizations out there that help our troops!

Seed-Starting Pots From Newspaper - MrBrownThumb

Seed-Starting Pots From Newspaper - MrBrownThumb

What an awesome idea! Just another way to recycle and be be 'earth friendly' and save some $. (Something all of us have on our minds in these times.) It is that time of the year up here in N.E. IL. I know we all have those papers we always get in the mail, and I would venture to say that alot are using the 'soy ink' now. Those little ones made from 'peat' can get pretty pricey, especially when you have a few that you are trying to get started.

I have a house plant Mom gave me that I have started to root in water. picture to be posted at a later date, sorry :-(

Aloe Vera Houseplant Care - MrBrownThumb

Aloe Vera Houseplant Care - MrBrownThumb

Found what I was looking for! I thought was right that they needed a bright sunny spot in the house. My poor little plant has a front seat in the Living Room Window now

AION Update 04-12-2010 (And the day)

I tell you what my friends, when you hit 25, you better have some serious Kinah laid back! (But then you get some serious Kinah questing in the beginning.) It pays to look up and study the crafting and DO THE WORK ORDERS! I have found it is the most inexpensive way to lvl your crafting. Cyfaill just hit 25 and oh my goodness lol. I Did not go 'forward' far enough looking into the new spell books I would have to buy and Friday morning tore into that girls Handcrafting. With learning that lesson, Caridwen will be continuing as she has been, only creating her tailoring from the mats she gets from the work orders. (Cy was up to around 4k Kinah per 'round' of work orders, 4 or 5 different ones for a 'round'.)

For the moment going to grab another cup of coffee and get back on Cardwen for a while this moprning before I head outside and try and get a little bit done to the small flower bed next to the front porch here. I want to move my bird bath there and put a lavender bush in :-)

 You all take care and will be updating through the day. (If I don't get to involved in RL :-) If it is nice out, I am going to try and get out of the house and enjoy it!

Time for a short pause, have a list of 'surfing to do :-P My poor little Aloe Vera Plant! I have never had such a horrible time with one in all my time! Hope everyone is enjoying the day. Looking to the west here, it sure looks like it can get a little wet out. But, it's that time of the year :-) About to finally have breakfast with Hamish and then get outside if the rain stays away. Will have to wear a light jacket for the chill, but, I can definitely do that! I have been fighting a wee bit of 'Cabin Fever' the last few weeks here. For this time of the year along the shores of Lake Michigan here, it has been WONDERFUL!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Good Night April 11th

Goodness and oh my to this weekend and glad you are where you are at. In the past. It will always fail me the way so many people act and do. (Now don't 'pretend' you all KNOW what I am trying to say here.)

I mean we all loose our tempers and all about a list of subjects that can reach the boundaries of our universe. But lets just say somethings are better kept to ourselves than aired in public for one. Come on people, we need to have a bit of tact now and again! 
