Saturday, December 10, 2016

Gauntlets and Slippers

Sharing my 'Winter Mission'!

Here are but a few patterns that I am present working on and as some know me, am putting my spin on them to personalize for Family I hold dear too. Check back in a couple days as I will be posting what has been occupying my time while I sit in my rocking chair and admire the beauty around me! The view from my small Flat is so wonderful! I have to pinch myself so many times a day not believing I found a perfect apartment with a perfect view of the North & South Ranges around the Valley!

These 2 patterns are not my work but another's a Sybil R on G+


April Knitted Slippers

Sunday, October 23, 2016

How to Understand Your Bird | PARRONT TIP TUESDAY

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Priest (38/0/33) - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

Priest (38/0/33) - Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

I have to study this a WEE bit more but, I had something like this Way back when did alot of pvp. Going to be studying and maybe running this over the weekend anfter some thought and tweeking. (May have to yack with Auggie for a few :-P) Sigh I miss the "Kids" MommaCy, Cyfaill, Haf

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Come on America! Join Jamie's Food Revolution now! (ESPECIALLY ILLINOIS!) Jamie has a GREAT Vision for his Revolution Army! Hit the link above and sign the petition, read what his 'Revolution is all about, and support our up-coming generation of Americans!

TY Jamie for all you are doing! Have adored your shows for years and TY for having the passion you do!
You NAKED CHEF you *giggle*

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nighterz My Friends

Time for me to call it a day here! Catch you all over coffee in the AM.